Salesperson Licensing Course

The New Salesperson Licensing Course for Students Enrolling Starting on August 1, 2024

The new course will provide enhanced education to better protect the public interest by ensuring higher standards of knowledge and professionalism in the real estate industry.

There will be two versions of the course available: one is entirely online, and the other combines online learning with an additional in-class component. The in-class portion extends over a period of four months.

All students registering to take the SLC as of August 1, 2024, will be enrolling in the new course. Students taking the new course will also have a new online exam, making it equally accessible to individuals in all regions of the province.

This new course was developed after reviewing the licensing education of other provincial jurisdictions, collecting feedback from the industry, and consultation with the Commission’s Education Committee and the NSAR’s Education Department.

The new course is longer, has more comprehensive material into practical aspects of processes in trading, and will make real estate licensees more prepared for work in the industry.

New Classroom Course Logistics

  1. The next in-person class will be September 4 to December 20, 2024.
  2. The class is 16 weeks long.
  3. Class schedule is Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 9 am - 4 pm at 68 Highfield Park Drive.
  4. Laptop or desktop and printer are necessary for this course - tablets are not recommended.

**Classroom course tuition is $4,023.85 (including Tax and Textbook)**

New Online Course Logistics

  1. Have 6 months to complete the course, working at your own pace.
  2. Have 12 months from completing the course to write the exam.
  3. Write the new exam online.
  4. Laptop or desktop and printer are necessary for this course - tablets are not recommended.
  5. No Instructor led sessions but will have access to a Faculty Advisor to ask questions via email.

**Online course tuition fee is $3,448.85 (including Tax and Textbook)**

The Old Salesperson Licensing Course for Students Who Enrolled Before August 1, 2024

Students have until July 31, 2024, to enroll in the old SLC, which is currently offered online and is designed to be the equivalent of a four-week course. The old SLC will still be available after August but only to the students who registered before August 1, 2024. These students will be unaffected by the introduction of the new course, and their current process will not change. Students enrolled before August 2024 will still:

  • Have 6 months to complete the SLC;
  • Have 12 months from completing the SLC to write the exam; and
  • Write the old exam in-person.

This means all students enrolled in the old course will be finished between July 2024 – January 2025, and the last writing of the old exam will be January 2026. Students in the old course will NOT be tested using the new exam. These students will be unaffected by the introduction of the new course.

Students cannot enroll in the old version of the course after July 31, 2024.


As of August 1, 2024, the old course is no longer available for enrollment. Students enrolling starting August 1, 2024, will take the new course. Please click the button below to enroll in the new course (online or classroom options available).

Register for Salesperson Licensing Course

Once you have enrolled, your course will be accessible after 24 hours via the NSAR Learning Platform.